Ok here's the timeline for details for me:
A woman gives birth to 8 kids - wow medical miracle. Hope that dad knows what he's in for. Wakka wakka.
She's not married - well... That'll be a hardship, but with right support, she can do it.
She lives with her mother and father who works (right now) in Iraq - Hope the have a big house. Wakka.
She has 6 other kids aged 2 - 8 - Wakka whaaaa? Wait a sec... 14 kids?
She's unemployed, on disability and did this through Invetro fertilization - What doctor on earth would do this? How can you honestly go into a fertility doctor and say I have 6 kids, but its not enough, let's go for another, and while your there put the rest of the eggs in to make sure at least one sticks and I get ANOTHER kid. By the way... Where did you get the cash?
She decided to have all 7 (they didn't know it would be 8 until delivery) because she though she would get free stuff from companies, Oprah, and a show from TLC - I hope you get nothing. This is not a blessing anymore, this is a monstrosity. This is one greedy bitch making it all about herself and hoping to get someone else to pay for it.
She is obsessed with Angelina Jolie, got plastic surgery to look like her and rather than adopt kids, she's going to have them - Andy Worhol needs to be shot. People have begun to assume that their 15 minutes of fame is a right. This is getting weird. Side note: she looks like Angelina Jolie if Jolie was beaten with a rubber hose. Brad Pitt isn't breaking down that door... Brad Garrett maybe... Or big brain Brad from Pulp Fiction... after Julius shot him.
3 of those 6 previous kids she had are LEGALLY disabled - no! No! NO!
Ann Curry is interviewing her on Dateline. Revelations include that her 'grand plan' is to live off the rest of her disability, get student loans, and GO BACK TO SCHOOL - ok, so if you go back to school, who's watching the kids? While you're being interviewed, who's watching the kids? Where are you getting money? Oh that's right... The government.
I guess Hillary Clinton was right... It does take a village to raise a child.
My Blog, My Dumb Opinion:
Give them to gay couples. I could probably throw a rock and find 14 gay couples that a) want kids b) aren't broke c) love each other d) would give them better life opportunities e) wouldn't make it about them-self and their need for attention.
The horse-shitty thing about this is that there is no legal recourse against this woman. Let's say the state tries to take them away... Have fun in that legal battle. You though it was a circus now... Get yo popcorn ready...
Latest development I heard (and not confirmed, that would be reasonable and proper) is that she's filing a lawsuit against big companies like Johnson and Johnson because they DIDN'T give her all the free stuff they gave all the other 6+ moms. If its true or not, its just an example of people trying to get paid through their kids.
And the thing is... I feel bad for these kids... All 14 of them... And I don't know how to make it better for them.
I like your solution and think we should take some initiative on it. You ever see "Raising Arizona?"