Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Blah XLIII

Like every other red blooded American male in their 30s, I love football. And every (now) 1st weekend in February I bow down to my corporate master, consume my share of the 49.5 million pounds of guacamole and watch the final game in an NFL season that began 9 months ago with the draft - The Super Bowl.

One of the conundrums I face is that while I love football and would watch a Sunday afternoon game between Random Team A and Random Team B, my lovely bride does not share the same enthusiasm as I do for the NFL. She tolerates me watching the Redskins (sometimes), but can't understand why I enjoy watching random games. On top of that, Sunday is the one day a week that neither of us work, so we have to get things done and watching 12 hours of football (pre-game shows, 1 PM game, 4 PM game, highlights and the 8 PM game) for 18 weeks in the fall isn't condusive to that environment... Unless I want to sleep on the futon and start seaching for divorce lawyers.

The Super Bowl is a different animal though. Its not a game, its an event and even my beautiful bride knows that.

This, however, is the first time I didn't follow the hype leading up to the game. I knew who was playing but a) I didn't have a dog in the fight, b) I didn't have time to follow slightest detail as I have in years past and c) the Redskins sucked 90% of my joy of football this season.

Before I get to the game itself... Here are a few random thoughts:

Matt Lauer's interview with President Obama: I'm letting you know this will be a post in and of itself because I was so flabbergasted by it. I immediatly hit the record button on my DVR and will need to go back and watch it again. Two things that stick out in my mind though - Matt Lauer tried to put the fear of God in the American People and President Obama called Jessica Simpson fat... Both instances made my jaw drop and laugh uncontrolably.

Best Marketing Placement: Jennifer Hudson sang (very well by the way) the National Anthem. I am still one of those corny Americans who still feel a swell of pride and fight back the tears when I hear a GREAT version of the National Anthem (even if it was prerecorded). After she finishes and they go to commercial, what is the 1st commercial? Its a movie trailer the opens with the Eiffel Tower melting (sweet), explosions (awesome), hand to hand combat (getting awesomer) and end with Dennis Quaid... The G.I. Joe (A Real American Hero) movie trailer following the National Anthem... BRILLIANT!

HalfTime show:
After Janet's boob ruined MTV's stake in the halftime, we've had a retread of old time rockers including U2, Rolling Stones and Tom Petty. This year we got Bruce Springstien, who did an admirable job until the end... Am I the only one that CRINGED when the "ref" came out and threw the flag, but they didn't care they were going to ROCK OUT... Ugh... Secondary boo to his slide crotch first into the camera.

Best Commercial: Bridgestone Tire with Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head... There is no man in America that hasn't wished his wife's lips would fall off... Sorry honey, I love you, but commercial was best of a weak set this year.

Worst Commercial:
I love Bob Dylan. He was the voice of a generation in change. But apparently if you throw enough money at a generation they'll sell out. The thing that I hated most about this... Am I supposed to believe that from the Black Eyed Peas is going to be the voice of the next generation?

Secondary Commercial boos to crotch shots, budweiser horses and

As for the game... I was entertained. The game had a great back and forth, some surprises along the way and one of the most amazing 4th quarters I've ever seen.

Kudos to the Steelers, heartbreak for the Cards. I'm still confused why they didn't review the last play of the game.

But here's the greatest play of the game... After the game, my wife turned to me and said, "Well, I enjoyed that very much." I almost dropped the remote and said explain.

"Well there was that guy who caught the ball and ran it the whole field at the end of the 1st half. Those guys with the pretty uniforms came back on that pass to the femenine looking guy with the dreadlocks and the last catch to the black and gold guy was on his tippy-toes."

Well... It's a start... My wife enjoyed the game, not the Super Bowl, the game itself... The draft is in 3 months... I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Know this if you want to see him in May - the 30-foot slide-on-his-knees crotch attack is a signature Bruce move. You are warned.

    I agree that the commercials sucked and I'm not sure it's just this year. I feel like they've jumped the shark collectively, which is sort of absurd to say because we're talking about commercials and obviously they're never going to be subtle and restrained. But I just feel like there's too much self aware THIS IS A SUPER BOWL COMMERCIAL stuff going on.

    Plus, the people at the bar were laughing OBNOXIOUSLY loud at every single one. It was like excessive, forced laughter - like the fake laughter the guys do during NFL halftime shows. Has it really gotten to the point where people feel like they have to make a show of laughing at Super Bowl commercials?

    All that said, I thought the Jason Statham Audi ad took the cake. Jeff H texted me that it was longer than most of his movies but just as good.
